How Can We Help?
Looking for someone to do custom meat cutting and wrapping for you? We can do that! Our experienced butchers will ensure that you get the most meat available, and that waste is minimal. Why settle for the rest, when you can have the best!
Depending on the type of meat cutting you require, please choose one of the links below to download a cutting instructions form for your particular animal. Directions and submission options are written at the top of each form.
Using the relevant form, select what types of cuts you’d like to receive.
Please note that with pork cutting, sausages are not standard, requesting sausage may reduce the amount of other pork cuts you will be able to receive.
Custom Meat Cutting Request Forms
**Pork – Instructions are required at time of drop off. A standard cut & wrap for family of 4 will be applied if cutting instructions are not received the same day.
**Beef – A standard cut & wrap for a family of 4 will be applied if cutting instructions are not received within 7 days.
If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment to bring in your animal, please feel free to contact us by phone or email.